Friday 3 April 2015



When I  was on a long  week end  in  Albany, WA,  I saw  people  queuing  at  Mc Donald food outlet   to  buy  their  favorite  take  away. People  now  do  not  have  time to prepare   food  at  home.  They  have  no  choice but  buy  food  which  may  have  been  recycled.

My  wife  and  I   bought  our  favorite   vegies, fruits  and  breast  chicken  pieces  to  go  and  cook  in our
Motel  studio. We  always go  for  such  facilities(resorts, holiday parks, and Motels with  kitchen facilities) using  our Renaissance passport. Apart  from our  normal  dishes, we carry our  special  drink, Seven Point2 Greens  and  shakes, to keep  us  health  and  fit.

What  do you  do when you  are  on holidays,  buy  take away  food  or  prepare  your  favorite  dish?

Share  with  the  world?

Have  a happy  Easter!!!
